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Preliminary Results Show Prima Implant Allows for Functional Vision in Advanced GA Patients
Author: Jennie Crabbe
Science Corporation shared a video of a clinical trial of patients using the Prima system. In the video, patients who had lost central vision due to GA could be seen reading and filling in a crossword puzzle.
Science Corporation, of Alameda, California, reported Oct. 22 preliminary results that showed its Prima retinal implant allowed for functional vision in patients who had lost their central visual field due to geographic atrophy.
Science acquired the Prima in April 2024 from Pixium Vision.
The system features a miniaturized, wireless, subretinal implant paired with a pocket computer, plus glasses. A camera on the glasses captures an image, which is then processed for clarity and magnification and transmitted to the implant.
Visual acuity of all 38 patients in the PRIMAvera trial was measured at six and 12 months post-implantation. Patients were able to execute useful, high acuity tasks such as reading and recognizing faces. Results showed a 23-letter (4.6-line) mean improvement in vision at 12 months. The patient with the best response saw a 59-letter (11.8-line) improvement.
Science said the study was designed to demonstrate safety and efficacy for European CE marking.