Physician Surveys

Use Our Free Tool to Benchmark Your Practice! Register Now.

Our process is simple: We ask you for a few minutes of your time to complete a survey and, in exchange, provide you with a range of online tools to effectively measure and improve your practice. Since 1998, Market Scope has collected and analyzed more than 20,000 surveys from more than 3,500 practices.

Our Process

Step 1: Complete a Survey

Our surveys cover ophthalmology subspecialties and optometry and are customized to cover the latest trends in both business and practice of medicine issues.

  • Survey reports utilize aggregated data. Individual responses are confidential, all data files are de-identified, and paper surveys are shredded after data entry. We ensure the integrity of all survey data by validating responses and confirming that respondents are from ophthalmic practices.
Step 2: Benchmark Your Practice's Performance

Survey results help analyze practice patterns, evaluate treatment choices, and benchmark your practice. Benchmark reports allow you to gauge your performance against the US average and global average. Benchmark topics include:

  • Procedure volumes for all subspecialties.
  • Conversion rates and average pricing.
  • Surgical outcomes and preferred techniques.
  • Diagnosis and treatment methods.
  • Patient referral sources.
  • Practice market techniques, budgets, and goals.
Step 3: Gain Market Insight With Instant Results

Instant results are available for review immediately on your personalized dashboard following completion of the survey. A fully analyzed report is made available a few weeks after the survey closes.

  • Survey results help you analyze practice patterns, evaluate treatment choices, and benchmark your practice.

Benefits of Market Scope Surveys

Instant Results

We provide instant survey results that help you analyze practice patterns, evaluate treatment choices, and benchmark your practice.


Our survey reports use only aggregated data. Individual responses are confidential, data files are de-identified, and paper surveys are shredded after data entry.

Ophthalmic Market Trends

New topics are added every quarter that focus on medical practice, surgical volumes, technology adoption, and practice marketing.

Quick Surveys

On average, our surveys take 5-15 minutes to complete. You may also finish your survey at a later time as all answers are auto-saved.

Topics Covered

Survey topics include cataract, refractive, glaucoma, retina, and ocular surface.

$75,000+ Donated

All survey participants have the option of a charitable donation in their name. Past recipients include Orbis International, ASCRS Foundation, Glaucoma 360, Doctors Without Borders, and the Houston Food Bank.

Weekly Email

Emails include updates on current surveys, available results, topical weekly polls, and industry news.

Boost Your Lectures

If you have completed a recent survey, we will gladly provide you with data and charts to help enhance your lectures. Just contact us via email or phone with your specific Market Scope request.

Free Tool

Your personalized dashboard is a free tool to help you benchmark your practice, stay current with trends, and learn about new technologies.

Your Market Scope Dashboard

The dashboard feature provides physicians and administrators with extensive analytical tools to help measure practice performance and stay informed with the latest industry news and trends.

Comprehensive Analyzed Report

Our team of highly experienced consultants and analysts meticulously evaluate and validate survey data to ensure accuracy. Aggregate results are published within 90 days of the close of the survey and are available on your personalized dashboard.

Personal Benchmark Data

Compare your practice’s metrics to national averages. Set goals, monitor changes, and stay informed.

Interactive Dashboard Data

MyScope is an interactive data dashboard where members can compare practice metrics to aggregate survey results over time, providing powerful insight into the surgical volumes, technology adoption, etc.

Data Bank

Looking for a chart or PowerPoint slide for your next lecture? Our DataBank is a robust collection of up-to-date charts that can be downloaded and incorporated into presentations, studies, etc.

Searchable Poll Archive

Our weekly polls cover all facets of ophthalmology. Members benefit from a searchable archive of topical poll results.

Searchable News Archive

All of our published content is collected in a completely searchable archive for our members.

Register Today!

Register A Clinical Account

A clinical account gives you access to survey participation and results, weekly polls, benchmark reports, a searchable news archive, and more on a personalized dashboard.

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