Latest Reports

Market Scope uses a multi-source methodology when preparing our annual and quarterly reports. We incorporate surgeon surveys, our extensive database of physicians and surgery centers, disease models, clinical studies, financial reports, and more. Our wide-ranging knowledge of products and technology and our comprehensive network of industry contacts also contribute to our coverage on the ophthalmic industry.


2024 IOL Market Report: Global Analysis for 2023 to 2029, March, 2024

The “2024 IOL Market Report” provides an in-depth analysis of the current intraocular lens market and forecasts performance over the next five years. It includes analysis of current markets, identification of important trends, and discussion of key factors for future success. 

This report describes and forecasts performance by region for 11 categories of IOLs: commodity monofocal, enhanced monofocal/intermediate-optimized monofocal, toric, PC-toric, bifocal, trifocal, extended depth of focus (EDOF), EDOF multifocal hybrid, accommodating, postoperatively adjustable, and phakic IOLs. Additionally, 34 companies are profiled, with discussion of their products, strategic market position, background, and outlook.


Ophthalmic Market Trends: US Cataract Edition

Q4 - 2024

Our coverage of the cataract surgery market includes a quarterly surveying process that targets and collects data from US cataract surgeons. The resulting data are analyzed and presented in our Ophthalmic Market Trends: Quarterly US Cataract Editions. These editions are designed to improve your decision-making process with the most accurate assessment of current market conditions and the identification of significant market trends. 

2024 Ophthalmic Laser Market Report: Global Analysis for 2023 to 2029, March, 2025

The “2024 Ophthalmic Laser Market Report” offers a comprehensive analysis of the global market for ophthalmic lasers, as well as a discussion of important trends and key factors shaping future success. The report covers photocoagulation, photodisruption, and SLT lasers with market data for 2023 and forecasts through 2029. Product demand is forecast in units and dollars, and market share is analyzed by product category.  Seventeen market competitors are profiled, with discussion of their products, strategic market position, background, and outlook. 

This report is designed for ophthalmic industry manufacturers, market analysts, providers, and investors who are interested in the ophthalmic lasers business and related products. In-depth topics include laser treatment estimates, ophthalmic surgeons using lasers, and manufacturers of ophthalmic lasers (excluding femtosecond and excimer lasers). 

2025 IOL Market Report: Global Analysis for 2024 to 2030, March, 2025

The “2025 IOL Market Report” provides an in-depth analysis of the current intraocular lens market and forecasts performance over the next five years. It includes analysis of current markets, identification of important trends, and discussion of key factors for future success.

This report describes and forecasts performance by region for 12 categories of IOLs: commodity monofocal, enhanced monofocal, intermediate-optimized monofocal, toric, PC-toric, bifocal, trifocal, extended depth of focus (EDOF), EDOF multifocal hybrid, accommodating, post-op adjustable, and phakic IOLs. Additionally, 35 companies are profiled, with discussion of their products, strategic market position, background, and outlook.

Ophthalmic Market Perspectives Monthly Newsletter

March, 2025

Market Scope has published the Ophthalmic Market Perspectives (OMP) newsletter for more than 20 years. The newsletter provides the latest business information that is shaping ophthalmic markets and professions. Our articles explore new technologies and company developments. We offer opinions on issues facing the industry. We also analyze and chart quarterly industry data, and we forecast market performance over time.

2025 Retinal Device Market Report: Global Analysis for 2024 to 2030, March, 2025

The “2025 Retinal Device Market Report” provides in-depth analysis of the global retinal device market, examining the market’s size and growth, as well as identifying important developments that may shape its future. The analysis focuses on the 2024 market and forecasts market growth and evolution through 2029. Additionally, 19 retina device companies are profiled, with discussion of their products, strategic market position, background, and outlook. 

2024 Corneal Disease Model, February, 2025

Market Scope’s "2024 Corneal Disease Model" offers extensive country-level prevalence data and five-year forecasts for nine corneal diseases for all countries with a population over a million.

This proprietary model takes into consideration the latest clinical research and demographic projections on a global scale and can be customized by geography and disease category to meet clients’ diverse needs. Disease models can be used to evaluate target markets for clinical-stage and commercial-stage products and gain insights into the volume and demographics of diseased populations.

2024 Refractive Error Model, February, 2025

Market Scope’s "2024 Refractive Error Model" offers extensive country-level prevalence data and five-year forecasts for five refractive error categories by age group for all countries with a population over a million.

This proprietary model takes into consideration the latest clinical research and demographic projections on a global scale and can be customized by geography and disease category to meet clients’ diverse needs. Disease models can be used to evaluate target markets for clinical-stage and commercial-stage products and gain insights into the volume and demographics of diseased populations.

2024 Optical Coherence Tomography Market Report: Global Analysis for 2023 to 2029, January, 2025

The “2024 Optical Coherence Tomography Market Report” provides a comprehensive analysis of the global market for OCT imagers and forecasts market performance over the next five years. It analyzes the market drivers for the OCT segment, including providers, related diseases, competitive forces, and market trends.

Market estimates are divided into six categories: basic OCT models, advanced OCT models, combination OCT/fundus systems, combination OCT/SLO systems, intraoperative OCT, and OCTA. Estimates are included for unit sales, installed equipment base, and average prices.

Additionally, 12 OCT manufacturers are profiled, with discussion of their products, strategic market position, background, and outlook.

2024 Cornea Products Market Report: Global Analysis for 2023 to 2029, January, 2025

The “2024 Cornea Products Market Report” provides an overview of corneal diseases and gives estimates for the populations in six disease categories. The report discusses cornea products and treatments and revenue forecasts for cornea transplants, therapeutic lenses, PTK, intrastromal corneal ring segments, and corneal crosslinking. It also reviews organ donation policy, regulations, and the role of cornea specialists, eye banks, and other organizations. 

This report considers over 70 products from more than 50 companies in its market forecasts and discusses the upcoming pipeline of new technologies that have yet to recognize revenue. Hundreds of eye banks, research institutes, and NGOs are also considered. Also included are 12 in-depth company profiles on key market players. 

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