The new “2024 Premium Cataract Surgery Market Report” now features a five-year history of PC-IOLs, toric IOLs, and FLACS for each of the top 13 premium cataract surgery country markets in the world. For each of these countries, the report also analyzes the recent economy and projects its impact on the elderly populations that account for most premium procedures.
The report also explores the long list of recently launched new products that are destined to impact the premium cataract market—including the Carl Zeiss Micor 700 cataract handpiece, which has the potential to drive adoption of office-based cataract surgery; the Rayner Galaxy spiral trifocal IOL and many other new PC-IOLs; and the Lensar Ally, which is expected to drive growth in FLACS procedures.
The new report also examines and explains the dramatic drop in premium procedures in South Korea and outlines the potential recovery of that market over the next five years.
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